
The Boeing Leadership Network – Retirees’ Facebook is a social media website designed to engage and inform retirees on news, activities, and events associated with Boeing, Boeing retirees, and the Aerospace Industry. Any posts that are not consistent with this objective may be deleted at the discretion of our Facebook Administrator.


This Facebook website is not owned nor managed by the Boeing Company and Boeing is not responsible for its contents. Boeing Company proprietary, intellectual property, and / or export controlled information is not permitted on this website under any circumstances. Do not post profanity, offensive language or inappropriate photos. Misuse of the website by BLN-R members can result in the removal of those individuals violating the “Code Of Conduct” for this website.


Facebook Group Membership Approval

Questions related to the Facebook group should be directed to Boeing Leadership Network – Retirees’ Membership / Communications board member who will approve all requests to join. To be granted access to the BLN – Retirees Facebook page you must be an active BLN – Retiree member, a Boeing retiree, or be a current Boeing employee.

Curtis Benner is the Membership / Communications Leader. Curtis can be contacted at email or his phone 206-972-0373.
