Travel News (11 New Links) (updated 2/9/25)

Retirement Planning -“Passport to Retirement” (updated 2/8/25)

BLN Events Open to Retirees (updated: 2/8/25)

AIAA: Celebrate 20 yrs of AIAA Retirees Brunches (updated 1/28/2025)

Health News Stories from George Gey, MD (updated: 1/25/2025)

New Seasons Leadership Podcasts (updated: 1/15/2025)

Introducing Creative Retirement Institute (updated: 1/13/25)

BLN Retirees Board Meeting January, 2025 (updated: 1/13/25)

DECA Judges Needed in January & February (updated 1/8/25)

Seattle Symphony – 15% Off Most Events (updated 12/21/24)

AIAA – Recorded Presentations (updated: 12/2/24)

Individual Tickets for 5th Avenue Theatre 2024-2025 (updated 10/18/24)

Boeing Leadership Network Apparel (updated 6/13/24)


Welcome to the Boeing Leadership Network Retirees website (formerly Boeing Management Association Gold Card).
Please use ‘Get Website Userid’ and ‘Set Website Password’ screens if you need to update your member data and don’t remember your userid or password.


Mission Statement (see also: BLNR Operational Procedure)

As an association of retired Boeing leaders, we provide opportunities for interaction and fellowship through activities that enhance education and development, community volunteerism, social interaction, and our member’s health and welfare.


Who We Are

BLN Retirees is a committee of the Boeing Leadership Network, an association of Boeing managers and leaders. With over 8,500 active, associate, and retired members, BLN consists of three regions – in addition to the Retirees committee for retired members – in the Puget Sound area as well as affiliated branches at some other Boeing locations.

Any former employee who was a dues-paying member of BLN at the time of retirement is automatically qualified to be a member of the Retirees committee.

There are no dues or other fees to be a BLN Retirees member.
