Your financial life encompasses much more than the current markets. It includes your goals for the future and how you want to live right now. A new year is your chance to start fresh and organize your finances, so BLN invites you to take action to position yourself for opportunities in the years ahead.
BLN Retirees Education and Finance Event Leader: Please contact Robert Reichle if you have additional questions about content, dates, or locations:, 425-337-2906.

2024 Events Schedule:
NEW Retirement Planning Essentials Webinar Series:
*Retirement Income Planning: 401k vs. IRA Rollover Pros and Cons
*Healthcare: The Retirement Wild Card (Medicare and Healthcare in Retirement)
*Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits

Join speaker, Andrew Hergert, Financial Advisor with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. for this comprehensive series of retirement webinars:

*All webinars will be held live from 11:15AM-12:00PM.
Please email to register and get links for the webinars.
Topic 1: Retirement Income Planning: 401k vs. IRA Rollover Pros and Cons 10/16/24
• Pros and Cons of 401k vs IRA rollover options
• Avoiding income planning mistakes in retirement (including pension decisions)
• Investment strategies to generate growth and income in retirement

Topic 2: Healthcare: The Retirement Wild Card 10/23/24
• Discussion of Medicare and Medigap coverage
• Estimate and account for major healthcare expenses
• Assess the impact on your retirement income and determine how costs will be met

Topic 3: Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits 10/30/24
• Discussion of rules and claiming strategies
• Review of Social Security basics
• Spousal benefits and case study examples

2024 Previous Events Schedule:
Foundations of Finance – A Virtual Educational Series on the Basics of Investing and Finance
Thriving in Retirement – Manage Markets, Inflation, Taxes, and Healthcare UW Bothell
Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits
Retirement Planning Essentials – Retirement Planning: Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits – Webinar
Captial Markets Update for BLNR
Retirement Planning – Changing World of Retirement
Retirement Planning – Changing World of Retirement UW Bothell – 3 Sessions
Retirement Planning – Changing World of Retirement
6 Reasons Annuities Should Be Part of Your Retirement Plan
Social Security – Know Your Options
2023 Previous Events Schedule:
Retirement Planning
Time Is Running Out…Alternatives to Medicare Advantage – What is Plan G?
Medicare: Are You Forced to Make a Change? Medicare or Medicare Advantage?
Medicare Open Enrollment is Coming – Medicare, Medicare Advantage & Prescription Drug Plans
Why Is Insurance Important in Financial Planning?
How Can $1 Buy $3 of Long-Term Care?
Home Sweet Home – Americans Want to Age in Place
Fixed Index Annuities: Potential Plus Protection
Pacific Financial Solutions Who Are We?
Do Your Kids Know Where to Find All Your Money?
How to Title Your Assets
2022 Previous Events Schedule:
“Are You Leaving Your Family a Tax Time Bomb?”
“What is a Beneficiary Liquidity Plan?”
“Rollover Trivia – Questions About Pension Rollovers”
“Social Security – Know Your Options”
“Long Term Care – Know Your Options”
“Medicare Plans and Choices”
“Investing in Today’s High Inflationary Environment”
“Medicare: Know Your Options, Open Enrollment is Coming!”
“How Inflation Affects Your Family’s Budget”
“Budgeting for the 4 Financial Phases of Retirement”
“Medicare Open Enrollment Ending December 7!”
“Clarifying Roth Conversions Misconceptions!”
2021 Previous Events Schedule:
“2022 Economic and Market Outlook”
“Medicare Question and Answer Session”
“Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Personal Evaluation Tool”
“Supply Pressures & Higher Prices: How Today’s Environment Impacts Your Portfolio”
“Medicare: Its Open Enrollment Time!”
“Bonds vs. Annuities”
“Investing Through Inflationary Times”
“Social Security – Know Your Options!”
“New Tax for All Washington W-2 Wage Earners – Long Term Care”
“How to Defer Your Minimum Required Distribution”
“Stress Free Retirement for the Conservative Investor”
“Long Term Care – Know Your Options”
“Stress Free Retirement for the Conservative Investor!”
“Do You Have Downside Protection on Your Retirement?”
2020 Previous Events Schedule:
“Looking Ahead to 2021 – What Investors Should Consider!”
“Long Term Care – Know Your Options”
“The A, B, C, & D’s of Medicare – It is Open Enrollment Time!”
“Understanding Your Social Security Benefit Options”
“Understanding Your Social Security Benefit Options”
“Understanding Medicare and Planning for Long-Term Care”
“Basics of Estate Planning & the New Secure Act Explained”
“Retirement Planning” Virtual Meeting X
“Impact of Covid 19 on Your Investments”
“Understanding Social Security”
“Planning for Long Term Care”
“Medicare: Know your options at open enrollment time!”


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Estate Planning Series

You’ve worked hard to build your wealth and provide for your family. To be confident that the legacy you envision will become a reality, it is critical to establish and maintain an estate plan. Individuals should take the time to prepare themselves and their family for the inevitable. Planning ahead clearly has its benefits: it is informative, provides peace of mind, and creates efficiency for those left to manage your affairs. This informative presentation will be hosted by an experienced estate planning attorney familiar with the applicable laws in Washington State.

Investment Series

Avoiding self-destructive investment behavior. This presentation will discuss several financial missteps made by the investing public. With retirement potentially extending two or even three decades, outliving your assets can be a real concern, given inflation, healthcare costs, and simply spending too much too early. This series will highlight several pitfalls that should be avoided to help increase the probability of a lasting retirement. Are you taking too much, or not enough, investment risk? Do you know how much risk is inherent in your current portfolio? This presentation will be hosted by an experienced team of wealth advisors from the Puget Sound area with the intent of helping BLN Retirees members recognize self-destructive investment behavior and identify strategies to avoid the same.

Retirement Planning Series

As advances in medicine and technology allow Americans to live longer, it is important to take a proactive approach by mapping out a clear and effective plan during your retirement. Many retired couples and individuals are coming to the realization that a decade of volatile markets has changed their view on how retirement may look now and in the future. Increased longevity, unpredictable market returns, health care costs, inflation, and unstable political and economic conditions may lead to more market volatility and uncertainty. Simply put, how can retirees do all the things they want to, all things considered, and not outlive their assets?

This presentation will be hosted by an experienced team of wealth advisors from the Puget Sound area focused on addressing these issues with specific insight on how to design, implement, and manage a plan during your retirement.

Risk Management Series

When people plan for their future they try to plan for all of life’s major events – kids going to college, retirement, future weddings, and even the unfortunate reality of death. One event is that is frequently overlooked, however, is the possibility of needing long-term care. Even more daunting is that the cost of long-term care has been increasing at a higher rate than the average rate of inflation – almost 4% versus 2.5%, respectively. By not planning for something that is likely to directly impact the majority of us, we risk jeopardizing our entire financial plan.

By planning ahead for potential long-term care expenses, much of the negative financial and emotional impact can potentially be ameliorated. However, if people wait too long to plan for these potential expenses, they risk having to pay more for coverage down the road, or worse, they may not have as many solutions available due to worsening health conditions.

This presentation will be hosted by an experienced team of wealth advisors from the Puget Sound area with the intent of helping BLN Retirees members identify potential strategies to address future long-term care needs
